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statistical software中文是什么意思

用"statistical software"造句"statistical software"怎么读"statistical software" in a sentence


  • 统计软件


  • Discussion on the design approach in investigative and statistical software system
  • Development of the qualified - rate statistical software based on vb in processes control
  • I finished the large part of statistical analysis calculation of the dissertation by using statistical software spss and excel
  • ( 3 ) the inquisition method ( 4 ) the statistics methods all data are used in spss10 . 0 statistical software
    ( 3 )实地调查法( 4 )数理统计法在对所得数据资料处理中采用sp5510 . 0软件进行数据处理。
  • That has allowed them to get powerful statistical software and hardware for rapid genetic screening not yet in common use
  • Features labs and tutorials in using stata ? statistical software for various student projects , along with lecture notes in pdf form
    本课程之特色在于以使用stata ?统计软件就不同之专题实习及指导,及配合pdf格式之课堂讲稿。
  • In general speaking , the available statistical software ca n ' t be satisfied with requirements that have been mentioned above
  • In addition , this course shall emphasize , through example practice and the application of statistical software to analyze data
  • 2 . by developing custom statistical templates and analytic methods , sap can act as appropriative statistical software to settle the special statistical problems
    2 、根据用户的要求,开发特定的模板和分析方法形成专用统计分析软件供特定使用者应用以解决其特定问题。
  • Finally , the paper conducts cluster analysis on the aid of statistical software , and puts forward some suggestions to accelerate the building of an all - round well - off society
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
用"statistical software"造句  
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